Next Nurture 2014/2015

IMG_0875One of the great things about writing a response to the nurture theme that bobs around at this time, is that it makes you look back at where you were this time last year. I gain a lot from reading other’s responses, sometimes I feel quite envious of all that they seem to have achieved, sometimes I feel quite excluded from the world they present, but am not sure why I do, or if it matters that much. Often I feel inspired to get on with achieving my goals, although I think I’m lot more flexible as to what those goals might be these days, perhaps that’s a sign of getting older. When I look back at what I wrote then, I see, through my words, someone living with uncertainty, not sure what lay ahead. So it’s been a leap of faith, but I’m not sure I’ve landed yet, but that’s OK, I can live with that.


So how did I do?
Ok, so last year’s goals, how did I get on and what lies ahead?

Continue to read and write, but more so. Continue to work with teachers, trainee teachers and mentors, but more so.

Yes I am and yes more so than I was last year. It was a joy and it continues to be so.

I work really hard to prepare quality materials for the teachers I work with and I want to keep doing that. I love that I am getting to visit so many schools, watch so many lessons, talk with so many teachers. I want to continue to push expectations with training, professionalism in education is not just what happens in the classroom. I’m more convinced than ever that it’s worth investing in teachers.

Research leadership in education.

I was accepted to start my doctorate in April and have been busy with it since. It’s even better than I thought it would be.

The more I read, the more I’m sure of the value of research in education and that it’s too important to try to cut corners or take short cuts with it. I want to be better at it and somehow start to share some of my ideas at a conference? Yikes.

Try to paint more.

Ahem, well I have drawn more, but the paints are still in their box.

Definitely need to do more of this. Paints, sketching, iPad, who knows. I’ve been inspired to do more not least from watch Sky Art’s Portrait Artist of the Year.

Stay true to my guiding values and vision.

Have definitely tried to do that

Believe it in this more than ever. It doesn’t mean an easy ride, but I think you have to be true to yourself

Be happy.

More than I thought I would be

Be smart enough to enjoy the highs of the year ahead
Be strong enough to endure the difficulties
Be thoughtful enough to share my time with others
Be wise enough to savour every moment
Be happy
